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Privacy Policy for Smiths Mobile Bar

This is the Privacy Policy for Smiths Mobile Bar. When you use our website we may collect certain data from you and this explains how we use or store that data.

If you have any questions about this policy or any data we collect please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Smiths complies with current legislation under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect and keep secure all information supplied, enabling our clients and prospective clients to use our website and services with confidence.

Data we Collect

We collect personal identification data such as names, telephone numbers, addresses, email addresses and website information. Data is collected through use of cookies on the website and through information entered on the contact form.


In order to forward invoices once our services have been booked/used we collect payment details including billing address details. 

How we Use
Your Data

The data supplied is used solely by Smiths Mobile Bar to fulfil our role as a service provider and allow us to manage your account effectively in a professional capacity.


Data including email addresses are stored within secure digital locations with both our email service provider and website platform which allows us to keep you informed of any updates or changes to your account.


We use Quickbooks to produce invoices and your billing details will be stored securely within this software.

How we do Not
Use Your Data

We do not share or sell any data provided to third parties other than storing billing information on Quickbooks.


We do not store any card details on our payment system, including those of guests at functions who use our payment facilities to purchase drinks directly from the bar.


We never send spam email. 




We use cookies on our website to give you a better website experience such as keeping you signed in, allowing us to recognise what pages you visit and your navigation preferences. Cookies collect certain visitor behaviour information that allows us to understand how you navigate our website and can assist us in creating marketing campaigns to a relevant audience. There is a cookie bar that pops up when you enter the website which allows you to decline the use of cookies if you so wish.



Computer Security

Smiths computer systems are regularly monitored and are kept protected by using available updates when issued, anti-virus software and SSL Certificates.

To Opt Out

If you no longer wish Smiths Mobile Bar to hold any of your personal data, please contact us with your request whereupon we will delete all your information from our files and databases.

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